Long-term time-series forecasting (LTFS)

Long-term time-series forecasting (LTFS)


Problem Formulation

For time series containing CC variates (univariate/multivariate), given historical data χ={X1t,...,XCt}t=1L\chi=\{X^t_1,...,X^t_C\}^L_{t=1}, wherein LL is the look-back window size and XitX^t_i is the value of the ithi_{th} variate at ttht_{th} the time step. The time series forecasting task is to predict the values χ^={X1t,...,XCt}t=L+1L+T\hat \chi=\{X^t_1,...,X^t_C\}^{L+T}_{t=L+1} at the TT future time steps.
when T>1T>1,


Common setting:

whole data: (large datasets: Weather, Traffic, and Electricity)

popular dataset for benchmark

Classical Method

DL, Until 2023


Time Publish Paper Describe
2023 NIPs One Fits All GPT4TS GPT pretrained on NLP/CV and finetuned on time-series sequence, only six layers, transfer learning
2023 ICLR TimesNet treated time series as a 2D signal and utilized a convolution-based inception net backbone to function as a comprehensive time series analysis model, provide benchmark lib, 3k+ stars
2023 ICLR PatchTST divide a sequence into patches to increase input length and reduce information redundancy, with channel independent. 和waveformer基本一致的预处理
2023 ICLR DLinear a simple MLP-based model and validates channel-independence works well in time series forecasting.
2022 ICML FEDformer uses Fourier enhanced structure to improve computational efficiency and achieves linear complexity
2022 NIPs None-Stationary propose Non-stationary Transformers as a generic framework with two interdependent modules: Series Stationarization and De-stationary Attention.
2022 ICLR Rejected ETSformer propose two novel attention mechanisms – the exponential smoothing attention and frequency attention
2022 / LightTS a light deep learning architecture merely based on simple MLP-based structures
2021 AAAI best paper Informer provide a benchmark dataset ETT, propose ProbSparse self-attention mechanism and generative style decoder, can predicts the long time-series sequences at one forward operation
2021 NIPs Autoformer replaces the attention module with an Auto-Correlation mechanism.
2021 ICLR Pyraformer applies pyramidal attention module with inter-scale and intra-scale connections which also get a linear complexity.
2020 ICLR Reformer improve the efficiency of Transformers, replace dot-product attention by one that uses locality-sensitive hashing and use reversible residual layers instead of the standard residuals
2019 NIPs LogTrans uses convolutional self-attention layers with LogSparse design to capture local information and reduce the space complexity

DL, Update 2024